

Monday 13 April 2015

How Not To Fail a Course in College / University


Many of the students in today’s generation face difficulty in passing the courses. They tend to study but still end up failing the course. Why is that so? What could be the reasons behind their failure? You cannot fail a course if you have studied properly for it. Are you failing your courses and don’t have an idea what to do? Read on this article as it might be of some help to you.

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Alright so the first thing you have to do is sit back and think. You need to think about the reasons that what could be the causes of failing the course. Are there too many distractions? Do you not study properly for it? Do you lack practice? Do you have the understanding of the course? Does your teacher not explain you well? Do you really sit attentively in the lecture? Are you not understanding the lecture? Do you face any language problem? .

 Thinking about it like this may help you minimize the chance of failure. Studying is probably the most important thing that you can do to pass a course. When you don’t pass a course it’s pretty obvious that you haven’t studied well for it and therefore you ended up failing the course.
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Alright so when you study. You need to make sure you get rid of all sort of distractions, such as television, mobile, internet, stereo devices and etc. must be switched off during the time you study to avoid getting distracted. When you study, consider making a study schedule. Make a schedule in such a way that you end up revising all the courses and don’t waste any time. Keep in mind that when it comes to studying, time is one of the most important factor you need to take care of. Study on time and you shall never fail a course. Creating a study schedule will help you decide when and until when you need to study a particular course which ultimately help you in managing your time and studying properly for each course.

During your study sessions consider taking breaks. Continuous studying won’t
be of any help as it will stress you out and make it difficult for you to remember
things. You can stop and have a snack but make sure you don’t turn towards
any distraction as it might not let you get back to studying or may make you
forget everything that you have studied until then. If you feel sleepy while
studying, consider doing a light exercise or simply walking around also keeps
your brain active which will help your memory to be active.

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You should use your class time as well. When you are in class, keep yourself away from distractions and just concentrate on the lecture being taught and take down short notes. Short notes as in information that is stated by the teacher which is not found in textbooks. Never be afraid of asking questions in class if you don’t understand anything. Ask the teacher right there and then if they can repeat it and explain it to you again to clear out your doubts. Asking the teacher for extra help after class is also very beneficial as the teacher will help you in practicing the course which will hence lead to good results.

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